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Sharing knowledge
Innovation is not Théa’s only priority. Education and the sharing of knowledge have always been an important tradition for the Chibret family. Théa supports many projects and pedagogical activities.

Because medical practices are permanently evolving, Théa supports European and international training schemes to encourage excellence and enable young doctors to use the most recent developments in ophthalmological knowledge to prevent and treat eye diseases.
Because tomorrow’s scientific progress is in the hands of today’s young generations, Théa awards young researchers in the field of ophthalmology who show initiative, creativity and imagination and contributes to disseminating their work throughout the international scientific community.
Education European Board of Ophthalmology (E.B.O.)
The E.B.O. (European Board of ophthalmology) was set up to homogenise ophthalmological practices in Europe and bring them up to the highest standards by awarding a European diploma. Each year many young ophthalmologists take this exam which is held during the annual congress of the S.F.O. (French Society of Ophthalmology). In 2015, 641 candidates from 32 different countries got together in Paris to sit this international exam. Théa has supported this organisation from its creation.
Education Young Opthalmologists
Since 2014, a group of young doctors have organised the European Meeting of Young Ophthalmologists. Théa has supported this initiative since the first meeting.
Education EVER
Théa is a historical partner of the European Association for Vision and Eye Research, and of its Foundation. EVER is the leading ophthalmological research association in Europe. Its annual congress especially allows young European researchers to expose their work.
Education University
Today, Théa participates as both a founding member and a benefactor in the creation of the first University Foundation in France, set up by the University of Auvergne. Théa’s financial support enables the university to initiate new training and research projects of an international scope: setting up partnerships with foreign universities, sponsoring international doctoral fellowships, hosting highly qualified international professors, providing financial aid to the most promising researchers and arranging exchange programs for researchers.
Education TROPHY
In 2012, Théa launched “TROPHY”, the “Théa euRopean cOntest of clinical cases in PatHologies of the eYe”. TROPHY is an annual contest which aims to encourage fellows and residents to actively participate in their speciality by sharing the results of their clinical cases and their experience. Due to its success, the contest has been opened to countries outside Europe and has now become “inteRnational”.
Each year there is a specific theme. Three winners are designated by experts who deliberate confidentially and objectively, and are invited by Théa to present their clinical case at the Théa symposium which is organised alongside the congress.
Education Eye Retina Meeting
Set up by Théa in 2015, the Eye Retina Meeting is a benchmark training course in nutrition for European ophthalmologists, aiming to introduce them to the latest research and findings on nutrition in age-related macular degeneration.
Education Surgery Simulator
Théa has joined forces with the University of Auvergne to provide the ophthalmology department of the Gabriel-Montpied teaching hospital in Clermont-Ferrand, with an ultra-modern surgery training tool.
In the framework of this partnership, ophthalmologists from developing countries are welcomed at the university by the Théa Foundation or the Auvergne University Foundation and receive intensive high-quality surgical training. This is an essential mission when we know that there are certain areas of the world, for example sub-Saharan Africa, where blindness is a silent tragedy and where there is only one cataract surgeon per 1 million inhabitants.
Education Training & the Fondation Théa
One of the two priorities of the Fondation Théa is to enable doctors and nurses from French-speaking and Portuguese-speaking Africa to follow training courses either in their own country or in the best French or international ophthalmological departments, then to put this acquired experience into practice to directly benefit local populations.