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An allergy is a response of the body against an allergen.
It is an exaggerated reaction of the immune system against a substance that is not naturally present in the body. The eye as a whole – lids, conjunctiva and cornea can be impact - in direct contact with the environment is more frequently affected by allergic reactions.These ocular allergies occurred frequently - approximately 40 to 60% of allergic people have ocular symptoms - and it’s a burden.
Find out what forms those allergies take, what are the causes and how to treat them!
What are the main forms of ocular allergies ? Definition
The most common ocular allergy in adults as well as in children is the allergic conjunctivitis. It manifests itself as a hypersensitivity reaction against environmental allergen. For a better understanding of the infection, you have to be aware that it concerns conjunctiva, which is the membrane surrounding the white of the eye.
What are the symptoms of these ocular allergic reactions ? Symptoms
The signs of seasonal allergic conjuntivitis are:
- Itching,
- Foreign body sensation (like sand in the eye, swollen eyelids).
What are the allergic triggers ? Causes
The different allergic triggers are:
- Pollen. It is the most frequently accused of Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.It is estimated that between 10 and 40% of the world’s population contract pollen allergy during spring-time, and the number is rising steadily for thirty years.
- Allergens, called “indoor allergens”, like mites, dust, skin flakes and milde are responsible for the most chronical form of ocular allergic reactions.
- Air pollutants, such as ozone or chemically laden smoke, are also being held responsible for promoting allergic reaction, accentuating the irritation of the mucous membranes of the eye.
How to relieve myself in case of ocular allergic reaction ? Treat
In case of ocular allergic reaction it is preferable to:
- To be assisted by your general practitioner or an ophthalmologist, so he can prescribe the adequate treatment.
- To identify the cause of the allergic reaction in order to limit contact with the causal agent.
- Start with eye washing with compress, moistened with warm water or our BLEPHAGEL® cleansing gel (cosmetic product). You can also use BLEPHACLEAN® ophthalmic wipes adapted to eyelids cleaning (medical advice).