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Allergic conjunctivitis

The most common ocular allergy in adults as well as in children is the allergic conjunctivitis. It manifests itself as a hypersensitivity reaction against environmental allergen. For a better understanding of the infection, you have to be aware that it concerns conjunctiva, which is the membrane surrounding the white of the eye.
We distinguish several types of allergic conjunctivitis, also they have various symptoms:
- Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is due to hypersensitivity against pollen. It is characterized by spring and early-summer allergic episodes. Symptoms disappearing the rest of the year.
- Perennial allergic conjunctivitis mainly affects adults. It is continuously occurring and, as a matter of fact, is not associated with seasons change. Allergens are particularly involved in this type of conjunctivitis.
- Atopic conjunctivitis are also caused by reactions to the environment. It usually appears with general signs of atopy like eczema or asthma.
Keratoconjunctivitis is also a type of ocular allergic reactions. Less frequent, this type of infections can be responsible for more severe ocular damages.
- Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis is a serious form of conjunctivitis in children. It affects essentially the young boys, from 4 until puberty. Five times out of ten, it is associated with another type of ocular allergy and three patients out of ten have a history of atopy. This is a hypersensitivity reaction to environmental factors, but genetic data could also be responsible for that pathology.
Eyelids allergies
Allergies can also affect eyelids. It is more frequently a palpebral eczema, but it is not unusual to see multiple disease mechanisms. They are responsible for chronic blepharitis (eyelids inflammation) in adults, in which allergy plays a huge part.
The causes of ocular allergies are various. Also, it exists different ways to treat these allergies.