

An annual international competition organised by Théa

TROPHY, whose full name is Théa inteRnational cOntest of clinical cases in PatHologies of the eYe, is an annual competition whose goal is to encourage interns and heads of hospital departments working in ophthalmology to play an influential role in their discipline by submitting the results of their clinical cases and experience.

Since its conception in 2012, TROPHY has continued to expand, opening up to many other countries outside Europe, becoming an "inteRnational" event.

The 5th edition, entitled "The non-surgical treatment of corneal diseases", was hotly challenged. In response, 116 participants from over 21 countries submitted their cases.                                                       

Three winners were confidentially nominated by an international jury of ophthalmologists and given the opportunity to present their clinical case at the Théa Symposium held in parallel with the 2015 ARVO in Baltimore.

The awards ceremony took place on Tuesday 9 May 2017, with the 3 winners rewarded as follows:

  • First Place: Dr Laura Vermuso –  “Childhood refractory ocular rosacea treated by Infliximab”
  • Second Place: Dr Eduardo Sebastian Arellano Arias – “Squamous cell carcinoma: an atypical presentation”
  • Third Place: Dr Maria Poimenidou –  ”Corneal melting: An undesirable paradoxical event in the blocking of the interleukin-6 receptor”

STARS : pour calculer le degré de risque d’un patient de développer une DMLA


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