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The Théa inteRnational cOntest of clinical cases in PatHologies of the eYe (TROPHY) is designed to enrcourage presentation and communication skills of residents and fellow in ophthalmology.
With over 1,300 cases submitted from 30 countries and 32 international winners, this event recognizes remarkable achivements in ocular surface disease.
Applicants are invited to submit a case they were involved in and which is original from a scientific standpoint. The clinical cases shall be related to a pathology which can be different from year to year.
The 3 winners are invited by Théa to present their clinical case during Théa symposium at the ARVO meeting in the USA in May.
The 11th edition is now open and will focus on "The Secret To Ocular Surface Success: Don't Forget Eyelids!"
Join us on our website to learn more and take part in this incredible opportunity to showcase your clinical skills! More about Trophy on: www.thea-trophy.com